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She has had a crush on her coworker Sam (Kevin Bacon) since about forever, but he has always found her too nice. And to be honest, Kate isn’t exactly happy about it either. Kate (Jennifer Aniston) is a perpetual single, much to her mother’s (Olympa Dukakis) chagrin. Writer: Arleen Sorkin, Paul Slansky, Glenn Gordon CaronĬast: Jennifer Aniston, Jay Mohr, Kevin Bacon, Olympia Dukakis, Illeana Douglas, Kevin Dunn It’s a really sweet, fun film with very nice animation. I missed The Iron Giant when it came out and it had been on my watchlist ever since (that hasn’t kept me from using the ever useful “ART” gif). But a robot of its size is bound to draw attention – and not every attention is good. What he finds is a giant metal robot from outer space in some distress, and Hogarth can’t just walk away – he helps. One night, Hogarth sees something weird in the forest next to his house and goes to investigate. His single mother Annie (Jennifer Aniston) has her hands full with him and with work. Hogarth (Eli Marienthal) is a bright, curious child, prone to adopting critters and with a love of everything SciFi.

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Writer: Tim McCanlies, Brad Bird, Brent ForresterĬast: Eli Marienthal, Jennifer Aniston, Harry Connick Jr., Vin Diesel, James Gammon, Cloris Leachman, Christopher McDonald, John Mahoney, M.

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