Confederate flag gay pride shirt

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The flag was hung last week during a school fair for the school’s Educate club, which promotes diversity, according to NBC affiliate WSFA. More than 800 people have signed the petition demanding the flag on display just outside a classroom at Auburn High School be taken down. “We strongly feel that it creates a hostile and provocative learning environment for students not comfortable to openly supporting the LGBTQ+ community in a public school where students come from diverse political and religious backgrounds,” a petition reads about the flag in Auburn.

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New Jersey home's Halloween display ripped over 'ghost' resembling KKK memberĪ group of students and parents in Alabama is calling for the removal of a rainbow pride flag from a high school classroom - arguing that it can be compared to displaying a Confederate flag. NY bans sale, display of Confederate flags in fire and police departments South Carolina pol wears Confederate flag shirt at event for black and Hispanic kidsīlack man gets new trial after jury met in room with Confederate symbols

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