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As headmistress of Beacon, she is not responsible for causing the inequality. Researchers have come up with their theories, but Glynda Goodwitch knows the truth. Language: English Words: 2,224 Chapters: 3/? Comments: 3 Kudos: 16 Bookmarks: 3 Hits: 426Īn outsider to the world of Remnant may be surprised to see how much of an advantage Huntresses have over their male counterparts. But his research begins to make him skeptical of the council's motives. Obi-Wan fears that Anakin starts slipping and goes digging through the Jedi Archives for information on 'The Chosen One' to help guide him.

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All of this makes him doubt his place among the Jedi. Between struggling with his relationship with Padme, he starts to grow closer to Obi-Wan making things even worse.

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But the Jedi Council reassigned him and Obi-Wan to guard King Amidala. References to the Jedi Council (Star Wars)Īnakin has one final test before he's ready to become a Jedi Master- let go of his feelings for Padme.Washed_out_dropout Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

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